
一、ISO9001质量管理体系 要求 



二、ISO14001环境管理体系 要求及使用指南

     ISO14001环境管理体系认证,主要讲环境的大概念,是全球全人类生存环境的责任和胸怀,适用于任何组织,包括企业,事业及相关政府单位,通过认证后可证明该组织在环境管理方面达到了国际水平,能够确保对企业各过程、产品及活动中的各类污染物控制达到相关要求,给企业树立良好的社会形象。  通过推行环境管理体系的实施,从根本上实现污染预防和持续改进,同时可以推动了企业开发清洁产品、采用清洁工艺、采用设备、合理处置废物的进程,通过对各种资源的消耗的控制,优化本身的成本管理。 


三、ISO45001 职业健康管理体系 要求及使用指南








GB/T 50430-2017 工程建设施工体系认证,适用于所有从事与建筑资质相关的施工工程企业,如防水防腐保温工程、建筑装修装饰工程、消防设施工程、建筑幕墙工程、电子与智能化工程、市政公用工程、石油化工工程、机电工程、建筑机电安装工程、环保工程、钢结构工程、建筑工程的施工等,具有相应的资质证书,在其建立质量管理体系时,考虑涵盖GB/T50430工程建设施工企业质量管理规范。


ANSI/INCITS/ISO/IEC 27001-2005 Information technology - Security techniques - Information security management systems - Requirements

适用范围:This International Standard covers all types of organizations e.g. commercial enterprises, government agencies, non-profit organizations. This International Standard specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving a documented ISMS within the context of the organization s overall business risks. It specifies requirements for the implementation of security controls customized to the needs of individual organizations or parts thereof.






ISO/IEC 20000-1-2011 Information technology - Service management - Part 1: Service management system requirements

  适用范围:This part of ISO/IEC 20000 is a service management system SMS standard. It specifies requirements for the service provider to plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and improve an SMS. The requirements include the design, transition, delivery and improvement of services to fulfil service requirements. This part of ISO/IEC 20000 can be used by: a an organization seeking services from service providers and requiring assurance that their service requirements will be fulfilled; b an organization that requires a consistent approach by all its service providers, including those in a supply chain; c a service provider that intends to demonstrate its capability for the design, transition, delivery and improvement of services that fulfil service requirements; d a service provider to monitor, measure and review its service management processes and services; e a service provider to improve the design, transition and delivery of services through effective implementation and operation of an SMS; f an assessor or auditor as the criteria for a conformity assessment of a service provider s SMS to the requirements in this part of ISO/IEC 20000. Figure 2 illustrates an SMS, including the service management processes. The service management processes and the relationships between the processes can be implemented in different ways by different service providers. The nature of the relationship between a service provider and the customer will influence how the service management processes are implemented.

    ISO20000是关于IT服务管理体系的要求的国际标准,它秉承“以客户为导向,以流程为中线”的理念,并强调按照PDCA的方法论持续改进组织多提供的IT服务。其目的是提供建立、实施、运作、监控、评审、维护和改进IT服务管理体系(ITSM)的模型。ISO 20000的认证适合IT服务的提供者,可以是内部的IT部门,也可以是外部的服务提供商,包括(但不限于)以下类别:1. IT服务外包提供商2. IT系统集成商和软件开发商3. 企业内部IT服务提供商或IT运营支持部门


七、ISO22000食品安全管理体系 Food safety management systems - Requirements for any organization in the food chain

 适用范围:This International Standard specifies requirements for a food safety management system where an organization in the food chain needs to demonstrate its ability to control food safety hazards in order to ensure that food is safe at the time of human consumption. It is applicable to all organizations, regardless of size, which are involved in any aspect of the food chain and want to implement systems that consistently provide safe products. The means of meeting any requirements of this International Standard can be accomplished through the use of internal and/or external resources. This International Standard specifies requirements to enable an organization a to plan, implement, operate, maintain and update a food safety management system aimed at providing products that, according to their intended use, are safe for the consumer, b to demonstrate compliance with applicable statutory and regulatory food safety requirements, c to evaluate and assess customer requirements and demonstrate conformity with those mutually agreed customer requirements that relate to food safety, in order to enhance customer satisfaction, d to effectively communicate food safety issues to their suppliers, customers and relevant interested parties in the food chain, e to ensure that the organization conforms to its stated food safety policy, f to demonstrate such conformity to relevant interested parties, and g to seek certification or registration of its food safety management system by an external organization, or make a self-assessment or self-declaration of conformity to this International Standard. All requirements of this International Standard are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations in the food chain regardless of size and complexity. This includes organizations directly or indirectly involved in one or more steps of the food chain. Organizations that are directly involved include, but are not limited to, feed producers, harvesters, farmers, producers of ingredients, food manufacturers, retailers, food services, catering services, organizations providing cleaning and sanitation services, transportation, storage and distribution services. Other organizations that are indirectly involved include, but are not limited to, suppliers of equipment, cleaning and sanitizing agents, packaging material, and other food contact materials. This International Standard allows an organization, such as a small and/or less developed organization e.g. a small farm, a small packer-distributor, a small retail or food service outlet, to implement an externally developed combination of control measures. NOTE Guidance on the application of this International Standard is given in ISO/TS 22004.





    GB/T 27341-2009 危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)体系 食品生产企业通用要求,是对可能发生在食品加工环节中的危害进行评估,进而采取控制的一种预防性的食品安全控制体系。主要针对食品生产企业,针对的是生产链的全部过程的卫生安全(对消费者的生命安全负责)。虽然ISO22000和HACCP体系都归属于食品安全管理行列,但是在适用范围上有所区分:ISO22000体系适用于食品及其相关行业,而HACCP体系只能适用于食品及紧密相关的操作环节。







ISO13485中文叫“医疗器械 质量管理体系 用于法规的要求” 由于医疗器械是救死扶伤、防病治病的特殊产品,仅按ISO9000标准的通用要求来规范是不够的,为此ISO组织颁布了ISO13485版标准(YY/T0287 ),对医疗器械生产企业的质量管理体系提出了专用要求,为医疗器械的质量达到安全有效起到了很好的促进作用

YY/T 0287医疗器械 质量管理体系 用于法规的要求,适用对象:履行国际、欧洲和本国的法律法规要求的医疗产品制造商和服务供应商,及希望按此标准实施文件化管理体系的企业。开发、制造和销售医疗设备的企业,想要在国际、欧洲和本国市场上展示其竞争和绩效能力的企业。供应商和其他在增值链内的服务提供商必须确保其产品与顾客的要求相一致。




     GB/T 27922商品售后服务评价体系,适用对象:制造有形商品的企业、销售有形商品的企业、提供无形商品(服务)的企业。商品是进入消费领域的产品。商品除了有形的产品外,还包括无形的服务。工业品和民用消费品都属于商品。有形商品具有外观形式和内在质量以及促销成分,如品质、包装、品牌、造型、款式、色调、文化等。无形商品包括劳务和技术服务,如金融服务、会计服务、营销策划、创意设计、管理咨询、法律咨询、程序设计等。无形商品一般随着有形商品而发生,也随着有形的基础设施而发生,如航空服务、旅店服务、美容服务等。所以,生产、贸易、服务企业都可申请商品售后服务认证。





CMA是检验检测机构资质认定标志,由China InspectionBody andLaboratory Mandatory Approval的英文缩写CMA组成。 




实验室认可(CNAS)是中国合格评定国家认可委员会的(China National AccreditationService for Conformity Assessment)的英文缩写。 


十四 有机产品认证

GB/T 19630-2019 有机产品 生产、加工、标识与管理体系要求,2019年11月6日市场监管总局修订公布,共计135个类别;


十五 、绿色十环认证

GBT 24020-2000 环境管理 环境标志和声明 通用原则,总体目标是通过对产品和服务的环境因素的可验证的、准确而非误导性信息的交流,促进对于较小环境压力的产品和服务的需求和供给,来激发市场驱动的持续改善环境的潜力;

